Why register and who will be approved for membership?

This site content is restricted to members of the genealogy of Ken Rucker and Judy Stauffer-Rucker. This includes ancestors, descendants, aunts, uncles, cousins and any one else appearing in our family trees. Applications for admission will be checked against known or documented relationships before being approved. The personal data collected during this registration process is used to verify your eligibility for membership and to guard the privacy of all members here. The information collected is used only for this purpose and will not be made available elsewhere. *

Our genealogy data here is derived from and synchronized with master records that rely on the LDS (Mormon) and other comprehensive databases. Details can be found in our “About Us” page.
If you wish to become a participant in this cyber venue, please proceed to submit the application below. It might take 2 or 3 days to verify your application and complete our approval steps, but most are approved & active within hours. The more complete you can make the submission, the more efficiently we will be able to approve your membership. You will receive email updates after every checkpoint in our process.

* Data contained our database is synchronized with the global genealogy data stores via integration with FamilySearch.

New User Registration
*Required field

IMPORTANT! Your initial confirmation and verification messages will very likely end up in your SPAM or JUNK mail folders. If you do not receive these messages within a minute or two after registering, be sure to check those SPAM and JUNK folders and identify the sender as being NOT SPAM/JUNK.